Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009932

Overrider form displays incorrect Customer Support Number (CSN)

When logging in using a password overrider, the incorrect Customer Support Number (CSN) may be shown.

This did not affect the overrider process.

Also, when logged in via an overrider, a warning will be given if the database is read-only, e.g., the Windows Trusted Connect when logging into a SQL Server database does not allow update access to the database. A sample warning message is:

WARNING: This SQL Server database is read-only. Your Windows Trusted Connection does not allow update access to the database (this is only required when logging in using an overrider).

You will be unable to update any records in this database including changing User passwords.

From the login form, move to the second wizard page and enter SQL Server credentials that allow update access if required.