Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009912

Workflow Type Scripts now have the ability to run with Administrator permission

Workflow Type Scripts now have the ability to run with Administrator permission.

Workflows Types now allow a 'Run with special Administrator permission' box to be checked on the Permission page of the Workflow Types form.

Only Administrator users can update the 'Run with special Administrator permission' setting and when editing an existing Workflow Type, this setting along with the Script Code will be locked to non-Administrators.

When a Script is running in this mode, the following will happen:

  • All permission key checks in the business layer will pass
  • Objects that may not load due to User Group filters, e.g., Accounts, will always load

A new method has been added to allow Scripts to directly check a user's permissions, i.e., check whether the user really has permission and not just pass the check because the Script is running in this special mode.

' This will always return True for Scripts running with Administrator permission
If finBL.CurrentUser.Permissions.Allow("Account.DealerUpdate") Then 

' This will return False if the user does is not allowed this permission
If finBL.CurrentUser.Permissions.AllowDirect("Account.DealerUpdate") Then 

NOTE: This setting gives the Script certain Administrator rights, it does not make the current user into an Administrator, i.e., tasks that require the current user to be an Administrator will still fail for non-Administrator users.

The Workflow Type Details report has been updated to show this setting.