Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009909

Payment Arrangements; enhanced "Promise" functionality

The Promise facilities within an Account Payment Arrangement have been enhanced to provide better information from within the standard system, ie without resorting to additional customisations.

Each Transaction now includes a special "PromiseStatus" flag. This can be set to Pending, Pass, Fail, Broken and Cancelled as well as "Not Applicable".

This allows scripting around Promises to update this flag and finPOWER Connect to provide information regarding Promises as a standard feature. The Business Layer now includes a function AccountTransactionFunctions.UpdatePromiseStatus to update this value.

This "Promise Status" Transaction flag is utilised in the following places to display more information to the user:

  1. Account, Transactions page; additional column "Promise Status" and "Promise Status Icon" plus additional information in summary pane.
  2. Account, Payments page, Details tab; enhanced details regarding promises, including final promise date. Warning added if Promises have failed or broken.
  3. Account, Payments page, Payment Arrangements tab; enhanced details regarding promises, including final promise date and warning added if Promises have failed or broken. Coloured icon, see below, in Overriding Payments block to indicate promise status. Note, this is also used as the drilldown to a Payment Arrangement.
  4. Account, Key details and Status pages. Added "Promises Remaining" line below Overdue. This is the total of "unprocessed" promises. Shows promises due today (if any), net overdue and final promise date in small text to the right. New warning if last promises is failed or broken.
  5. Workflow Key details; similar changes as noted in point 4.

Note, finPOWER Connect use the following colours in summary pages Pass = Green, Fail = Orange, Broken = Red and Cancelled = Gray.

The following built-in scripts have been updated:

  • SummaryPage_AccountTransactions_TransactionSummary, Version: 1.05 (19/07/2012)
  • SummaryPage_AccountPaymentArrangements_PaymentArrangementSummary, Version: 1.02 (19/07/2012)
  • SummaryPage_Account_Payments, Version: 1.07 (19/07/2012)
  • SummaryPage_Account_KeyDetails, Version: 1.17 (19/07/2012)
  • SummaryPage_Account_Status, Version: 1.12 (19/07/2012)
  • SummaryPage_Workflow_WorkflowSummary, Version: 1.14 (19/7/2012)

The Transaction List now has an optional column "Promise Status" to print this new flag.

Finally, there is a new sample script available "Script_AccountProcesses_PaymentArrangementPromises.xml". This can be used in Account Processes to process Account Transactions and update the "Promise Status".

WARNING: Please ensure this script fits your purposes before using.