Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009863

Importing Bank Transactions; new "Alternate Match" field added to Account

A new "alternate bank match" option has been added to finPOWER Connect for matching Accounts with imported Bank Transactions.

This was added mainly to handle converted data, especially finPOWER 5, where a simple match facility is required. Previously, after a conversion, only imported bank transactions that include the Account's id in the transaction information would be matched when first imported - finPOWER Connect needed to learn these matching rules from scratch.

On the Account there is a new property "BankMatchAlternate". This would be set when converting data.

On each Bank Import service there is a new option "Use alternate matching when importing Transactions". Check this for Bank Import services that should use the alternate Bank Match.

The Alternate match is shown on the Account form, Payments summary page with the other Bank matches - and may be deleted, ie blanked, here.

When importing a file from your bank the "Alternate Match" is created based upon what finPOWER 5 would have done, with a few minor exceptions. This would then match to the alternate match defined on the Account.

Alternatively a script can set the Bank Match to a customised string.