Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009571

General Ledger Interface; now handles 100% GST

The General Ledger Interface now handles 100% GST transactions, ie where the entire value is GST.

Note, the Transaction Value is GST inclusive. So, if you had a value of $115.00 and a GST rate of 15% the GST is $15.00.

If you had a value of $200.00 and a GST rate of 100% the GST is $100.00. Why? To go from exclusive to inclusive you use the formula "Inclusive = Exclusive * (Rate% + 100) / 100".
So, even at a 100% GST rate you cannot make a Transaction value all GST.
finPOWER Connect can now handle this scenario by treating a rate of 100% as a special case. When the rate is 100% the entire transaction is treated as GST.