Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009794

Account Status Change scripts; Account needs to be refreshed before script called

The Account "StatusChangePost" event script, defined under Account Types, could cause issues and appear to not work.

In the Quote to Open status change, if the Account includes Accounting Ledgers or Disbursements and the script Saves the Account it may fail. As a workaround call the Refresh method of the Account at the beginning of the script.

In the Open to Quote status change, if the script Saves the Account it may fail with an error "Financial calculation information not loaded.". As a workaround call the CalculationLoad method of the Account at the beginning of the script.

finPOWER Connect now handles these situations better by refreshing the Account and if a Quote loading the Calculation, before calling the "StatusChangePost" event script.

Note, in addition the error message returned now includes the full history of the error - previously it was only showing the top most error text.