Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009773

Workflows; Publishing a Document now allows access to Workflow Item details

When a Document is created from a Workflow item, if the Document is an Email or SMS, a 'GenerateMessage' event is called in the Document's Script. This event now has two additional entries in the EventArge Key/Value List:

  • Workflow - the finWorkflow object
  • WorkflowItem - the finWorkflowItem object

These objects can be used from the 'GenerateMessage' Document Script event as follows:

Select Case eventId
  Case "GenerateMessage"
    Dim Workflow As finWorkflow 
    Dim WorkflowItem As finWorkflowItem
    Workflow = DirectCast(eventArgs.GetObject("Workflow"), finWorkflow)
    WorkflowItem = DirectCast(eventArgs.GetObject("WorkflowItem"), finWorkflowItem)
    returnValues.SetString("message", String.Format("Generated from Workflow '{0}', item {1}.", Workflow.WorkflowId, WorkflowItem.Pk))
End Select

NOTE: These objects will only exist if the Document is being generated from a Workflow Item.