emPOWER Cash Book Module

Cashflow is the life blood of a business.  End Quote Image

If you ask any owner of a small business what takes up most of their spare time, chances are they will reply “writing up my Cashbook, doing GST Returns, and Reconciling the Bank Account.”

emPOWER Cashbook is one of a new generation of e-commerce aware products that uses the most up to date development technology available. It draws on the many years experience Intersoft Systems has had developing general accounting software. It is part of the emPOWER Accounting Software Series, a range accounting modules that provide you the "POWER to Perform”.

Intersoft’s emPOWER Cashbook provides you with a high level of functionality in an easy to follow, but full-featured system. The advantages of using this system are that you can enter transactions such as Bank Lodgements and Cheque Payments in a matter of minutes daily, and reconcile your Bank Statements quickly and simply as they are received. When GST is due, simply print the GST 101 Report or BAS Return, and all the information is presented for you.

Key Features of emPOWER Cashbook

Open Period Processing

Define your own financial year start and end dates and then post transactions into the relevant month and year. Transactions can be posted into any financial year thus allowing you to continue with your work and keep the Cash Book right up to date while still allowing you to make corrections for prior months and years. Once a financial year is completed simply define the “Retained Earnings Account” and close the year. You may set a “closed to” date to prevent further posting transactions before this date.

GST Analysis

emPOWER Cashbook is a dream when analysing GST. Input and Output GST totals for Payments, Invoice and Hybrid basis are catered for. In New Zealand the GST 101 Return Report has the look and feel of the real GST 101 Report. In Australian the BAS return is fully formatted to clearly present all the relevant information with full audit trails. Full GST audit trail reports are also available.

Easy Chart of Accounts set up

You may add Accounts as required. Tell the system whether the Account attracts GST, or is a “Zero-rated or Exempt” account, and the correct GST will be defaulted as you enter your transactions.

Chart of Accounts Explorer

emPOWER Cashbook utilises the powerful Chart of Accounts Explorer. The familiar styled explorer graphically presents the structure of your chart of accounts and shows groupings, totals and accounts.

emPOWER Admin, Account Explorer Sdump

Detailed on-screen Account Information

The one Account screen has all relevant details for the Account for easy and quick reference. It details the structure and default GST information, monthly totals for all history, transaction details and budget information.

emPOWER Admin, Accounts Sdump

Drill Down Information

Where appropriate drill downs are provided to take you quickly to source data. Just double click on a figure to drill down.

Multiple Bank Accounts

If you operate more than one Bank Account for your business, the emPOWER Cashbook enables you to track and reconcile each bank account.

Transferring Money between Banks

Transferring money between two bank accounts is very easy, and is accomplished on a single screen.

Automatic Payments

Most businesses pay their Rent or Mortgage monthly by Automatic Payment from their Bank Account. These recurring transactions may be entered once, and reused each week, fortnight or month without the need to re-enter them into your system.

Bank Reconciliation Simplicity

The Bank Reconciliation facility allows you to quickly reconcile your transactions to a Bank Statement. Alternatively Bank Statement information may be imported from Banking Software.

emPOWER Cash Book, Bank Reconcillation Sdump

Other Parties and Sources

A list of your creditors and customers may be retained so that when creating transactions (eg. writing a cheque), details of the “Other Party” are held for your information. Sources allow you to track the source of each transaction. Lists of transactions by Source are available, invaluable in finding source documents.

Fast Transaction Entry

Transactions are quickly entered and a large number of defaults can be set up to further reduce keying time. Batches of transactions can be entered and saved for later editing. Each transaction may be analysed to multiple accounts.

Account Budgets

Budgets are essential for tracking your progress against predetermined goals. emPOWER Cashbook allows you to have up to three different budgets to measure your performance, which are easily edited and reported on.

Print your Cheques

You may enter pre-written cheques into the Cash Book system, but you can also print cheques directly through the system. Cheques can be voided and re-printed at any time until presented. The layout of the cheques is User definable.

Transaction Export

Transactions may be exported in a variety of formats. This enables you to pass on your fully analysed receipt and payment details to your own Accountant, saving them time and you money.