finPOWER Connect 1.06.03 Released
Monday, 17 September 2012
We are pleased to announce the release of finPOWER Connect version 1.06.03.
To upgrade to this latest version please contact your authorised Intersoft Reseller or see the Downloads page.
Some of the highlights are:
- Clients.
- Company Person Acting details; added Date of Birth and Marital Status.
- New permission added to mask Tax File Number.
- Accounts.
- "Ledger" detail now shown in Account form header.
- Enhanced post Maturity Interest charging options.
- Auditing; Miscellaneous audit option added, audits changes to Alert message, Region, Purpose and Source.
- Payment Arrangements; new permission to stop user entering Promises.
- Payments.
- Reversed Payments now hold original value until the reversal date.
- New option added to handle Negative Payment allocations.
- Reports.
- Account Trial Balance; new columns added for Accrued Interest, Default Interest and Other Interest.
- Transaction List; can now group by 'Promise Status'.
- Account Security Analysis Report; new optional columns added, eg Overdue Days.
- Workflow List Report; can now include Balance of Contractual Overdue.
- CreditWorks; added sample script to export CRISworks commercial positive data.
For a full list of all the release notes click here.